Katja Heddinga (25), - Your Country -
Please choose a question to explore
(How) did the war in Ukraine change the way you look at Europe?
10Which aspects of Europe‘s past are worth considering?
16Do you feel privileged? How does this influence your connection to others?
27If you had to imagine a utopian country, what measures would you put in place? Which laws, rights, duties?
15Which aspect of culture would you like to see as a part of European identity?
29What is the main challenge that Europe is facing ?
18Where do you see a lack of solidarity in your everyday life - or more generally in Europe?
18Do you feel a gap, a border, between yourself and other Europeans?
27Do you remember a situation where you felt connected to another person through food?
15Do you remember a situation which was profoundly European to you?
11How strong is your connection to your food and its origins?
26How would you feel about a future without the E.U.?
16How can we make Europe great again?
14When and how did you stand up for someone else?
14Tell a story: Your potato traveled a long time until it landed on your plate…
What About Us, Europe emerged from the project “EuroFabrique” first presented at Grand Palais Ephemére in Paris in February 2022. It is a joint project of ENSCI Les Ateliers, Paris and KISD / Köln International School of Design / TH Köln Germany.
All ongoing information and a process documentation is to be found at https://www.instagram.com/whataboutus.europe/
Currently, the project is about to travel to Aveiro (Portugal) and Tallinn (Estonia) – and we are keen to hear from anybody who would be interested to join!
Team Cologne
The project is the official New European Bauhaus project of ENSCI and the Cologne event has been selected for the New European Bauhaus Festival June 9-12.
Students team: Felix Weissenbacher, Konstantin Krais, David Sieverding, Martin Sistig, Catalina Flores and Masha Kuzmina (intern)
Project lead: Prof. Philipp Heidkamp, Prof. Iris Utikal
Website: Valentin Natschke, Konstatin Krais
Video editing: Alina Bertacca
Team Paris
Students team: Aurélie Klaf (ENSCI / France – Syria), Balint Lanyi (KISD / Germany – Hungary), Alina Bertacca (KISD / Germany – Italy), Caroline Baumhauer (ENSCI / Germany), Conor McArthur (ENSCI / Scotland), Elisabeth Seidel (KISD / Germany), Eva Blanch (ENSCI / France), Felix Weißenbacher (KISD / Germany), Garance Liaigre (ENSCI / France), Dima German (KISD / Israel – Russia), Julie Edmond (ENSCI / France), Julie Pironin (ENSCI / France), Juliette Smal (ENSCI / France), Theresa Kousseva (KISD / Switzerland – Germany – Bulgaria), Lou Sternebeck (KISD / Germany)
Lena Renz (ENSCI / Germany), Lorenzo Zappia (ENSCI / Italy), Lucy Howe (KISD / Germany – United Kingdom), Luise Kanein (ENSCI / Germany), Marine Fontaine (ENSCI / France), Max Schmidt (ENSCI / Germany), Nina Grazzi (ENSCI / Italy), Rita Dallal (KISD / Germany – Jordan – Palestine), Serin Gatzweiler (KISD / Germany), Valentin Natschke (KISD / Germany), Vilde Moger (ENSCI / Norway)
Project lead: Frederic Frety (ENSCI / France), Philipp Heidkamp (KISD / Germany), Lisa Janßen (KISD / Germany), Tobias Nickerl (ENSCI / Germany), Iris Utikal (KISD / Germany)
What about us, Europe is a university collaboration project between KISD/TH Köln and ENSCI Les Ateliers Paris. This website is an initiative of Philipp Heidkamp and Iris Utikal, Cologne.
Responsible by § 55 Abs.2 RStV (German Law)
Prof. Philipp Heidkamp
Konrad Adenauer Ufer 79/81
50668 Kön / Germany
Telephone: +49.15115676286
50678 Köln
email: heidkamp[at]whataboutus.eu